Regenerative Medicine
Helping your body heal itself

BENEFITS of Regenerative Medicine Therapies
No Surgery
No Recovery
Minimal Pain
LEARN MORE about Regenerative Medicine Therapies
Our revolutionary regenerative medicine products utilize both your healing potential — only amplified — or the natural healing components contained in birth tissues that are typically discarded after a normal C-section birth. The products we use are from reputable and well-established developers of regenerative products that follow all AATB (American Association of Tissue Banks), AABB (American Association of Blood Banks), and FDA requirements, meeting the highest quality assurance standards.
It has been discovered that stem cells, extracellular vesicles, exosomes, and many other healing proteins and chemicals that help your body to heal many of the pathologies that plague us as we grow older are found in the tissues (placenta, umbilical cord, and amniotic fluid) donated by healthy, consenting mothers at the time of their C-section delivery — much as blood or organs are donated by one person to another.
If you do progress to surgery with the Zehr Center for Orthopaedics, you will receive a three-ring binder filled with information, which we refer to as “The Guidebook.” Many patients, in their testimonials, refer to this notebook as being extremely helpful, as it explains step-by-step what to expect before, during, and after surgery. The Guidebook is but one component of the “Zehr Center of Excellence” approach to integrated care for our patients. It is a foundational part of our approach to patient education which we call our Rapid Recovery Program.