Preparing for total hip replacement
We recently discussed some basic questions to ask before getting a total hip replacement. Educating yourself is an all-important step…
Preliminary questions about total hip replacement
If it seems that you are hearing about increasing numbers of younger people having hip replacement surgery, you are hearing correctly. Each…
Recovering from hip surgery
Recovering from hip surgery, patients have many questions. One of the first questions that a hip replacement patient asks is “When can…
Treating trochanteric bursitis
Treating trochanteric bursitis focuses on reducing the inflammation and pain. Trochanteric bursitis is an inflammation of the bursa at the…
Trochanteric bursitis
Trochanteric bursitis is an inflammation of the bursa on the side of the hip. Your body contains hundreds of thin,…
The ligamentum teres
The ligamentum teres has a very important job. It helps hold the head of the femur (thigh bone) in the…
Should you repair or replace a fractured hip?
Repair or replace a fractured hip? Left to itself, a fractured hip, like most broken bones, will mend itself. The…
Hip dislocation following hip surgery
Hip dislocation following hip surgery is rare, with fewer than 200,000 cases reported per year. New surgical methods, advanced technology,…